It’s hard for me to sit still. Sometimes that’s a good thing. Sometimes it’s not. In fact, refusing to sit still can be a huge detriment to my faith. I want to be active. I want to do this and do that and check items off my list… But faith doesn’t come from my doing. It comes from being with Jesus. It comes from reading his Word. To do and do and do leaves us exhausted and empty. It’s being with Jesus and his Word that fills and rejuvenates us. You want to be active for Jesus? It starts by being still.
That’s exactly what God taught the Israelites on the shores of the Red Sea. They were trapped. The Egyptian army was about to attack. There was nothing they could do. So they panicked! But here’s what Moses told them, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14). As the Israelites sat still, God parted the Red Sea, led the Israelites through on dry ground, and sent the waves crashing down on the Egyptians. God was doing the fighting. God’s people needed only to be still.
That’s how God’s salvation works: He does it. All of it! When we were helpless sinners, when there was nothing we could do to save ourselves, Jesus came and lived and died and rose to save us. Jesus fought for us. Jesus fights for us. We need only to be still. Before you do and do and do today, stop and sit still. Be with Jesus. Read his Word. Trust his promise: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
