Chocolate. Hand-written notes. A dozen roses. A kiss. Heart-shaped balloons. A dinner date. A Caribbean cruise. A card in the mail. Hugs. People show their love for each other in lots of different ways.
But none of those expressions of human love can match how God showed his love for us: “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Jesus showed his love for us in the most powerful way possible: By dying on the cross for us to save us from our sins and give us eternal life in heaven. Even though we didn’t deserve it, even though we are all sinners, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
That means that you are loved by God himself. You are special to God himself. You have an admirer, and it’s no secret who it is: Jesus who gave his life for you. Whether someone gives you chocolates today or not… Whether you get hand-written love notes today or not… Whether you’re looking forward to a special dinner date or facing a quiet meal by yourself… Jesus wants you to know something this Valentine’s Day: You are loved. His cross proves it. You are loved by Jesus!
