A kind couple from our church gave me a big bag of M & Ms. My favorite! I’ve been enjoying them for weeks. Until earlier this week, I pulled out one of the individual packages, only to find that there were no M & Ms inside. The little package looks beautiful on the outside. It’s sealed shut. But there’s nothing inside—not a single M & M. Disappointment! How often isn’t that what happens in our lives? People make big promises. Sin always looks so good on the outside. But inside? Nothing. Disappointment. Maybe you’re even disappointed about something today.
How great to remember that there is someone who always keeps his promises and never disappoints: Jesus. The Bible declares: “No matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Send a Savior? Done! Forgiveness for our sins? Done! Eternal life in heaven? Done! Always with us? Done! In a world that constantly disappoints, our God always keeps his promises. That’s why we put our trust in Jesus!