“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you” (Genesis 28:15). That was God’s promise to Jacob as he fled from his home alone and afraid. He wasn’t really alone. God was with him wherever he went. He also didn’t need to be afraid. The Almighty God was watching over him. What a comforting promise! “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” That promise has taken on special meaning for me and my family lately. After lots of prayer and many conversations, on February 28th I accepted a call to serve as the pastor at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Tulsa, OK. It will be hard to say goodbye to Green Bay, but I’m excited about the opportunity to share God’s Word with people in Tulsa. I’m especially thankful for God’s promise: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” You might not be moving across the country, but I bet there are times when you feel alone and afraid too. God’s promise is also for you! When Jesus died on the cross for us, he proved that nothing can ever separate us from God and his love. God is with you and will watch over you wherever you go!
