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Writer's picturePastor Nathan Nass

We Need a Doctor

“Why do churches talk about sin? Wouldn’t it be better to just focus on God’s love?” Have you ever wondered that? If you have, you’re not alone. In our culture, sin isn’t mentioned as much as it used to be. Why talk about the bad stuff? Let’s just focus on love!

Except, think of this: Why do doctors talk about cancer? Why do doctors point out high cholesterol or heart blockages? To save you! Why don’t doctors tell us: “Everything’s great! Don’t worry about anything!”? Because we need to know the truth. We can’t be healed unless we realize that we are sick.

Here’s what your Doctor says, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick…. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:12-13). Like any good doctor, Jesus is honest with his patients. He tells us the truth about ourselves: We are sick with sin. We can’t heal ourselves. We desperately need a cure.

Thankfully, like any good doctor, Jesus doesn’t shy away from sick people. He came to save us! “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” What a promise! You can’t truly understand God’s love until you understand what we’re really like. You can’t truly understand Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross unless you understand what we needed to be saved from.

This is why churches talk about sin, so that you and I can find healing and salvation in our Doctor—Jesus!

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