It seemed like the plague was going to last forever. Feel that way? For God’s people almost 3,000 years ago, the plague wasn’t a sickness. It was locusts—grasshoppers. The locusts had eaten everything. The result was famine and fires and hopelessness. It didn’t seem like things were ever going to be okay. But they were. They were going to be okay. Because here was God’s comforting promise: “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten” (Joel 2:25). Not only was the plague not going to last forever, but God had lots of good things in store for his people. All they needed was faith—and lots of patience!
I know it seems right now like things are never going to be okay. I know it seems like this pandemic and its effects are going to last forever. It’s not. This won’t last forever! How do I know? Because no problem of life in this sinful world can last forever. God has a perfect life in heaven waiting for every believer in Jesus. And even here on earth, God has a history of blessing his people through the greatest difficulties. God can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All we need is faith—and lots of patience! This won’t last forever, but God’s promises will. Let’s trust in him!
