I love watching my kids. It’s not always easy being a parent, but my kids bring me so much joy. I love watching their sports games, hearing their naïve questions, seeing them interact with each other… It really is a delight to be a dad.
Do you know who feels that way about you? The LORD! “The LORD takes delight in his people” (Psalm 149:4). Isn’t that amazing to hear? The LORD delights in you. In you! No matter who you are, if you are reading this, God delights in you like I find great delight in my kids.
“But…” I’m sure there’s a “but” on your mind. “But I…” “But how come…” “But why…” We sure don’t deserve God’s love. Doesn’t he know all the bad things we’ve done? We don’t always feel God’s delight. Why does he let so many struggles come? Every day, life tries to convince you that God doesn’t love you.
So hold on to these beautiful words: “The LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.” God’s delight in you isn’t dependent on the great things you do. It depends on God’s grace—his undeserved love for you that never fails. He crowns the humble. And God’s delight doesn’t depend on everything going great in your life today. You might have to wait a while to see the final victory.
Live today wrapped up in the grace of God. The LORD delights in you!
