A terrible sickness has spread around the world. I’m not talking about COVID-19. As the coronavirus has gotten all the attention, another killer disease silently goes unnoticed. Do you know what it is? Sin. The Bible says, “There is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Those are strong words, aren’t they? 100% of human beings test positive for sin, including you and me. Even worse, sin is always fatal in 100% of the people who have it. Every person who sins dies. That’s a big deal, isn’t it? Have you been taking your sin seriously? Do you recognize the deadliest disease that plagues your body and your life?
I hope you do, because then you can find a cure. As deadly as sin is, as helpless as we are on our own to fight it, there is a cure for sin that is 100% effective: The blood of Jesus Christ our Savior. Jesus came to earth and did the impossible. He lived a perfectly righteous life and never sinned. Then he did the unthinkable. That one perfect Man died in our place for all of our sins, so that we are forgiven and saved. Salvation is found in Jesus! Every sickness, every disaster, every heartache in life is a call to repent of our sins and trust in Jesus our Savior. He’s what we need more than anything else. In a world in which no one is righteous, we trust in the One who was righteous for us.
