Is your arm long enough? That sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? “Long enough for what?” For life. Is your arm long enough to carry the burdens of life? To handle every difficult situation? To save yourself and those you love? Mine isn’t. Moses’ arm wasn’t long enough either. The people of Israel grumbled against him, wanting meat to eat in the desert. What was he supposed to do? It was impossible.
But here’s what God said, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you” (Numbers 11:23). Give meat to two million people in the desert? Impossible for Moses. But not for God. The arm of the LORD is not too short! What God said came true.
Remember that: That arm of the LORD is not too short. My strength is. My faith often is. But the arm of the LORD is not too short. May the God who fed millions of people in the desert, who sent his Son Jesus to save us, who prepared a home in heaven for us, may he use his arm to bless and keep us today.
