Are you going through a difficult time? Are you asking why God is putting you through this? Is it hard to trust that God is in control? All of us have those moments. “God, why do I have to go through this?”
David in the Bible faced some difficult times as a young shepherd. His flock of sheep was attacked by a lion and then by a bear. Sound fun? Having to fight a lion and a bear—without a gun? That’s a difficulty I hope I never have to face! How could lions and bears be a good thing used by God?
Later in life, David understood. He later faced an even greater enemy: The giant Goliath. Yet, David wasn’t afraid. Here’s what he said: “The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37).
Do you see what David recognized? God used those past challenges to prepare him for what was to come. God gave him strength and faith in one difficulty to prepare him for another.
What is God preparing you to face? I know it’s hard. I know you can’t see it now, but God is using your current struggles to prepare you for the future he’s planned for you. May God’s strength and grace in Jesus give you hope for today, and may he use this struggle to make you stronger for tomorrow.