Does your life seem too normal? Small? Insignificant? Do you wish your life were bigger and better? Do you wish you could be doing bigger and better things? Be careful. God asked his people long ago, “Who dares despise the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10). When it came to rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem, it wasn’t going to happen overnight. It was going to happen brick by brick, small thing by small thing. But God was rejoicing! He was using all those small things to bring him glory and praise.
According to God, faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Five small loaves of bread and two fish can feed 5,000 people. A baby laid in a humble manger is the God of the universe. A wooden cross covered with blood brings forgiveness and salvation. If your life seems small, remember that God doesn’t despise small things. His grace in Jesus makes even the smallest things big and beautiful.
