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Writer's picturePastor Nathan Nass

See What Great Love!

It’s been a crazy year. Here’s one more proof: The children in our Lutheran school had to do a virtual children’s Christmas service this year. Who would have imagined? The theme for that service—“See What Great Love”—reminded me of one of our favorite children’s Bibles at our house. We like it because it has a unique way of talking about God’s love. It says, “God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.” Over and over again: God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. Can you say that with me? God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.

That sounds good, doesn’t it? We need God’s love! But I bet you wonder. I bet you wonder whether God really loves you. The Bible tells us we have a great enemy in the world—the devil. The devil loves telling lies, and one of his lies is especially devastating. It’s this one: “God doesn’t love you.” Isn’t that a terrible lie? But the devil is so good at whispering that lie into our hearts. It’s quiet and subtle and so harmful: “God doesn’t love you.” When that lie sneaks into your life, sadness does too, and darkness and sin. Do you know what I’m talking about?

The devil has been so active this year, hasn’t he? The sickness doesn’t stop, and so the devil whispers: “See, God doesn’t love you.” Loved ones die, and the devil whispers: “You should have known. God doesn’t love you.” Anxiety grows, and your heart begins to pound, and the devil whispers: “I told you. God doesn’t love you.” You snap at your kids and make fun of your classmates and complain about everything, and the devil whispers, “Look at all those sins! God doesn’t love you.” Do you hear those whispers? Soon you start to believe them. “I guess God doesn’t love me.” And the tears come. And the anxiety builds. And the hopelessness spreads.

Until today! The children in our children’s Christmas service had the best news to share: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1). When you hear those words, don’t let them go in one ear and out the other. They’re meant for you! “See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” God doesn’t love you? What a lie! See what great love God has for you! How big is it? Remember how that children’s Bible put it? Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.

That’s pretty big. I saw something really big this fall. Have you ever been to Newport State Park? Newport State Park is up in Door Country, WI. It’s an international dark sky park—which means it’s a great place to watch the stars. You go there at night and you see all the stars and the moon and the planets. And do you know what you realize? God is huge. God is so big and so powerful and so awesome…. And he knows your name. Yours. He knows your name. Because that huge, powerful, awesome God is your Father. And you’re his child whom he dearly loves.

Wow! How is that possible? Only because of Jesus. Because Jesus gave up ruling the stars and the planets, and decided to be born as a little Baby. Who would do that? Jesus must really love you! Then Jesus lived a perfect life. He never gave in to the devil’s lies—not a single time. Jesus must really love you! Then Jesus died on the cross to pay for every one of our sins. So that you could be forgiven and loved and saved. Then Jesus rose again from the dead to give us hope even in death—the hope of eternal life with Jesus in heaven. The God who made the stars lay in a manger as your Savior and my Savior, so you can be absolutely sure: “God really does love me!”

“See what great love.” Our children didn’t just prepare a cute program. They shared the most needed message in the whole world. You are God’s child through faith in Jesus. As much as you love your children, God loves you more. As much as you want what’s best for your children, God loves you more. Because you’re his child. Not just some days. Every day! Not just when you’re good. All the time! When those whispers come, “God doesn’t love you,” you can shake your head and say, “What a lie! I am God’s child, saved by Jesus, loved with God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.” See what great love!

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