Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)
“Rejoice!” When I hear that word, I think of sports fans celebrating a championship victory. Can you picture the scene? Tens of thousands of people rejoicing. A parade. Confetti. Cheering. Celebratory speeches: “Yes! We did it. Let’s go!” It’s fun and exciting to see your team win.
But I hope you don’t need your team to win a championship to rejoice. Let’s be honest, how often does that happen? Even the best sports franchises go years without winning it all. If your rejoicing is based on a sports team—or a job or success at school or your good looks or a perfect marriage—you’re not going to be rejoicing very much. Are you rejoicing always? If not, you might have the wrong source of joy.
Because the Bible gives us a source of joy that is so much better than any sports victory: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Where is true joy found? “In the Lord!” True joy doesn’t come from a clutch three pointer or a last-second touchdown. It comes from the Lord. Our Lord Jesus has forgiven every one of our sins through his death on the cross. Our Lord Jesus is with us each and every day with his goodness and love. Our Lord Jesus carries our burdens and gives us peace and rest.
Joy over a sports victory lasts for a night. Joy in Jesus and his salvation lasts forever. Literally. Every day here on earth and forever and ever in heaven. What’s your source of joy? Is it “in the Lord”?
Dear friend, I know how easy it is to get discouraged. I often am. I know how brutal life is in our broken world. So does Jesus. He lived here. He suffered it all. For us. To save us. When rejoicing is missing in my life, here’s what I need to do: Stop thinking about sports or politics or relationships and focus on the One who brings true joy: Jesus. Jesus never changes. His forgiveness never runs out. He loves you.
Whether your team is winning or losing, whether you personally feel like you’re winning or losing, whether the people around you encourage you or condemn you, whether life is going according to your plan or not, Jesus brings you joy. Always. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Dear Jesus, day after day, this world robs us of our joy. We so easily get discouraged. Lift our eyes to you and your great love for us. Help us rejoice in you always. Amen.