I’ve seen a lot over the past few weeks. I’ll admit, I’ve spent way too much time reading news reports and scrolling my Facebook feed. You too? I’ve seen so much. Bodies piled outside hospitals. Nurses in full-body gear. Terrified faces. Closed stores. Tumbling stocks. Uncertainly. Concern. I’ve seen a lot over the past few weeks. All of us have. But do you know what I haven’t seen much of at all? Joy. There isn’t any joy. “Come on,” you might say, “how could there possibly be joy at a time like this?”
For one really big reason: “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Jesus is here! There is joy, because Jesus is here!
What was a distant prophecy in Zechariah’s day is a certain fact for us. On Palm Sunday, Jesus our King entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey and bringing salvation. He gave his life for us by hanging on a cross. He defeated sin and death and the devil by rising from the dead. No virus can change that! We have a King and a Savior—Jesus! It’s true, Palm Sunday might feel different this year than it has in the past, but no news report can possibly undo what Jesus has already done. So, rejoice! May God bless you as you celebrate our King who came to save us. Hosanna in the highest!
