A six-year-old girl stood on her back porch, yelling. Can you guess what she was yelling at? The rain! It was the day of her birthday party. She had big plans for playing outside with her friends. But rain poured down from dark clouds overhead. “Stop it!,” she yelled. “Go away!” Do you think the rain listened? No way! If you’ve ever tried it, you know that storms don’t listen to people.
Except to Jesus. Storms listen to Jesus. Jesus faced storms too. One day, Jesus was sailing across the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. While Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat, a huge storm came. The waves were so big that the boat almost sank. The disciples were terrified! They woke Jesus up and said, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (Mark 4:38).
But what could Jesus do? Storms don’t listen to people, right? Wrong! Storms listen to Jesus. All Jesus had to do was say three words, “Quiet! Be still!” (Mark 4:39). Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. With just three words, Jesus calmed that terrible storm.
His disciples were amazed. They had never seen anything like this before! They asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41). You know the answer to their question, don’t you? Who is Jesus? He is God! Since he is God, Jesus can do anything and everything. Even storms have to listen to him! All it took was three words, “Quiet! Be still!”
Those words apply to you too: “Quiet! Be still!” Since you know that Jesus can calm any storm, you don’t have to be afraid. Since you know that Jesus has taken away your sins, you don’t have to feel guilty. Since you know that Jesus is always with you no matter what, you don’t have to ever be worried. He tells our hearts the same thing he told that storm: “Quiet! Be still!”
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, you have power over everything, even storms! Forgive us for all the times we’ve been just as afraid as your disciples were on the Sea of Galilee. When we see your power and love for us, help our hearts to be quiet and still. Lead us to always trust in you. Amen.
