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Palm Sunday Sermon: Jesus Gave Up More

Writer's picture: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

“5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:5-11)

So what did you give up for Lent this year? That’s not a question I usually think about. Lent is about Jesus, not about us giving up things. But do you know what? I’ve given up a lot for Lent this year! I bet you have too. I gave up worship services. I gave up eating in restaurants. I gave up the NCAA Tournament, the NBA, and opening day baseball. I gave up the children’s museum and the zoo. I gave up shaking hands. I gave up feeling safe and secure. I gave up going to the grocery store without being worried. How about you? Whatever you thought you were going to give up for Lent, you had no idea! We’ve given up way more for Lent this year than ever before!

But whatever you’ve given up these past weeks, today God’s Word reminds us this: Jesus gave up more. We always think about us, don’t we? We focus on what we’ve done, or what we’ve had to sacrifice. “Look at all I’ve had to put up with!” But Jesus gave up more. His story starts with this: Jesus is “in very nature God.” If you’re “in very nature” something, that’s what you are. It’s not complicated, right? If Jesus is in very nature God, Jesus is God. He’s part of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The crowds were right to chant on Palm Sunday: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Jesus is God! That’s where it all starts.

But then listen to what Jesus gave up. “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage.” For Jesus, being God was not something he used to his own advantage. I would! Can you imagine all the things you could do for yourself if you were God! Where would you start? Wealth. Beauty. Endless ice cream! Jesus didn’t. He didn’t use being God to his own advantage. Think of the difference between Jesus and the devil. The devil wanted to be God and struggled to go up, up, up. So God cast him down into hell. Jesus knew he was already God, so he was willing to give up heaven and come down to earth.

That’s just what Jesus did. “He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” The Greek word for “made himself nothing” is that Jesus “emptied” himself. Isn’t that a powerful word? Jesus “emptied” himself. When I think of “emptying” yourself, I think of a mom who pours out everything day after day for her kids. That’s what Jesus did, only more! He’s God. He had everything. But he emptied himself. He didn’t stop being God, but he pushed his glory to the side and made himself nothing. He gave up his throne for a dirty manger. He gave up his glory for a human body. God became a servant.

So Jesus knows about disappointments. Jesus knows about suffering. Jesus knows about sadness. Jesus knows about temptation. Not just because he’s God and knows everything, but because Jesus became a Man and experienced in his own body every single one of those emotions. Whatever you’re facing, Jesus gets it! Even death. “And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!” That’s how far Jesus went. That’s how far Jesus was willing to empty himself for you and me. Death. Death on a cross for sins he didn’t commit. How much did you give up for Lent? Jesus gave up more. Everything!

Actually, if we’re honest, no section of the Bible shows us more clearly how different we are than Jesus. Jesus is in very nature God. We were born God’s enemies because of sin. Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage. We do everything we can to make ourselves gods. Don’t believe me? How many times do we see what the Bible says and go our own way! Jesus made himself nothing. We fight to make ourselves something. Jesus took the very nature of a servant. We refuse to serve. Jesus’ life was filled with humility and obedience. Our lives are filled with pride and selfishness. Could we be any more different?

The more you learn about Jesus, the more you will realize you’re not like Jesus. By our sinful natures, every one of us is wired to think about ourselves first. Be honest. Are you more concerned about your needs or someone else’s needs? Are you more concerned about getting to the top or helping those at the bottom? Are you more concerned about your accomplishments or Jesus’ glory? Sure, we sometimes make sacrifices for others. But there’s always a line, isn’t there? How far we’re willing to go and no further. Not Jesus! “He humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Isn’t this backwards? We should be giving up for God. Instead, God gave himself up for us. Whatever you’ve given up, Jesus gave up more!

Some of you know I’ve started a blog on the internet. I put devotions and sermons on it. I want it to be focused on Jesus. As I thought about what to call my blog, I decided on “Upside-Down Savior.” There is something upside-down about Jesus. He takes the pyramid that everyone is trying to get to the top of, and he flips it upside-down. Then, in inexplicable grace, he put himself on the bottom. He left heaven to come as our Savior to earth. He humbled himself below everyone else and died the death we deserve on the cross for our sins. Who does that? There’s something upside-down about Jesus! Jesus didn’t save us by putting on a cape and flying to the rescue. He hung naked on a cross and bore God’s wrath for our sins. Our Upside-Down Savior.

But too often that’s where we leave Jesus. Dead on a cross. In many churches in Mexico, there’s a statue of Mary up in front, and a statue of Jesus bloody and dying in the back, as if that’s the way he stayed. Dead. But that’s missing the best part! “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Those people on Palm Sunday had it right! “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Matt. 21:9).

Don’t think for a second that Jesus lost. Yes, he died. But then he rose. And now he reigns. Jesus won! And every creature in heaven, on earth, and in hell is going to worship Jesus. Maybe you’re thinking, “Wait a minute. It sure doesn’t look like every knee is bowing to Jesus!” That’s true, but you don’t see the whole picture yet. Every person in the world is going to worship Jesus. It’s just a matter of timing. Some will be blessed to do it willing—like you are doing now. Many, unfortunately, will do it unwilling when they realize the truth at their death. But ultimately, every single person in heaven, on earth, and in hell will reach this conclusion: “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Because that’s who Jesus is—our absolutely perfect Savior. He is true Man to be our Brother. He is God to be our Creator. Man to understand our temptations. God to never fall to a single one. Man to die on a cross in our place for our sins. God to rise again to prove we are forgiven. Man to experience our pain and our troubles. God to have the power to end them. Man to taste death. God to give life. Jesus is our perfect, upside-down Savior who gave up everything for us.

I wonder if we can understand that better this Lent than ever before. As you sit at home and watch church on TV, you’ve given up a lot. But Jesus gave up more. As you miss paychecks and teach your kids at home, you’ve had to give up a lot. But Jesus gave up more. Even as you think about lying in a hospital bed with a ventilator on your face, you might have to give up a whole lot more. But Jesus still gave up more. To save us. To give us life—eternal life that no one and nothing can ever take away. You must be pretty special. Your worth depends on how much someone’s willing to give for you. Do you know how much you’re worth to Jesus? Everything!

In most sermons, I’d end there. “Jesus gave up more!” Amen. Except we haven’t actually talked about the whole point of our lesson yet. Surprisingly, these words weren’t written just to teach us about Jesus. What’s the point? Look at the first verse in our lesson: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” The whole point of these verses is to show us the mindset God looks for in us as Christians. This self-sacrificing, unconditionally loving, trusting completely in God, perfectly humble mindset of Jesus—that’s the same mindset God looks for in you and me. “Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Huh? That’s impossible! We talked about how self-centered we are from beginning to end. I’m in way over my head. How?

I heard an illustration lately that’s really helped me. If you’re on Facebook, you maybe saw me use a cup to teach about fear. You can use the same cup to teach about selfishness. Selfishness is a lot like air in a cup. We can’t see the air in a cup, but it’s a real thing. Just like we can’t see our selfishness, but it’s real and affects everything we do. Here’s the question: If I want to get rid of the air inside the cup—like the selfishness in our hearts—what do I need to do? How can you get the air out of the cup? Just pour it out? Nope. Try to blow it out? Doesn’t work! What’s the only way to get the air out of a cup? It’s simple: You have to fill it completely full of something else. When you put water in the cup, it pushes the air away. Want to get rid of the air? Fill up the cup!

It’s the same with the selfishness that fills our hearts. There’s nothing you and I can do to pour that selfishness out or make it go away. In fact, if I tell you, “Don’t think about yourself,” what are you going to do? Think about yourself! Just like hearing, “Don’t touch your face,” makes you touch your face. What’s the only way to get rid of that selfishness? Get filled up completely full of something else. We need to fill up that space in our hearts so full with something else that pushes our selfishness away. Who’s the only Water of Life who can truly fill us up? Jesus.

As we go through this Holy Week, it’s going to be so easy to focus on all the things we’re giving up. No choirs. No packed services. No Easter breakfast…. Stop! Holy Week doesn’t depend on any of those things. It’s all Jesus. Watch Jesus suffer for you. Watch Jesus die for you. Watch Jesus rise for you. You are so loved by Jesus. You are so special in Jesus’ eyes. Let Jesus fill up your cup. Let Jesus push you out. More Jesus. Less you. As you watch Jesus fill you up, “in your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” When Jesus fills you full, you’ll be surprised how much you have to give. To give to your child… to your spouse… to your friends… to your enemies. But no matter how much you give, Jesus gave up so much more!

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