How strong is your foundation? Not of your house. Of your life! A pandemic and all its implications for every area of life is breaking our routines, shaking our habits, and showing us just what our lives are based on. So, how strong is your foundation? I’ve never forgotten when someone told me that every fear, every disappointment, every anxiety, every frustration in life is a sign that you’re putting your hope in the wrong place. I’m realizing how often my foundation is me, and I’m not very strong. I’m so sinful!
God wants you to have a rock-solid foundation even in the pandemics of life. So Paul gives this encouragement to every preacher of God’s Word: “Each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:10-11). Do you know who supports you even when everything else fails? Jesus. Do you know who forgives you even after the most foolish sin? Jesus. Do you know who carries you through even the darkest days of life? Jesus. Jesus Christ our Savior is the only foundation strong enough to build on. May every fear, every anxiety, every worry in these difficult days send you back to your true, rock-solid foundation: Jesus!
