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Writer's picture: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. (1 Thessalonians 1:4-5)

Loved. Is that how you feel? Cherished. Cared for. Special. Loved? I often don’t. I bet you don’t either. Instead, we feel forgotten, lonely, guilty…

Loved. Is that what you see around you? People putting each other first. People filling each other up. Loved? I don’t. Instead, I see lots of divisions, disappointments, and death…

That’s what the Christians long ago in Thessalonica saw too. An anti-Christian riot had forced Paul to leave their city. Persecution against Christians lingered long after Paul had left. They were tempted to feel forgotten and left behind. They looked around and saw divisions and discouragement.

But what they felt and saw wasn’t the full story. Just like what you feel and see isn’t the full story.

Here was the truth that they needed to hear: “For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you.” Those Christians in Thessalonica weren’t forgotten. They were “loved by God”! They weren’t left behind. God had personally chosen them! This is what they really were: Loved!

How could they be sure? All because of the gospel. You remember what the gospel is, right? The gospel is the good news of Jesus! The gospel tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his Son for us. Are you part of the world? Yes! Do you know what that means? You are loved! The gospel tells us that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again to give eternal life to all who believe in him. Do you know what that means? Your sins are forgiven. God isn’t just with you on earth. He’s prepared an eternal home in heaven for you. Why? Because you are loved!

Can you see why this is called the “gospel”—the good news? It’s the power of God that changes hearts and lives.

Practice saying this to yourself, “I am loved!” It’s the truth, and you need to hear it often. “I am loved!” No matter what you feel or see today, never forget that you are loved by God, and he has chosen you to be his own through Jesus your Savior.

Dear Holy Spirit, convince me of the truth of the gospel. When I feel unloved and unwanted, create in my heart the deep conviction that I am loved by God and chosen by God through Jesus my Savior. Amen.

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