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Love for God

Writer's picture: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

“I love God in my own way” “To each his own.” “My love just looks different than your love.” “All you need is love.” Sound familiar? Is that what love for God is like? It’s always good to compare what we hear with what God says. Do you know what God says about our love for him? It’s simple: “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). Huh. God’s pretty clear, isn’t he? You and I don’t get to “choose” how we love God. Actually, when we make up our own definitions for love, we’re usually trying to excuse breaking God’s commands. If you want to love in your own way, go ahead. Just don’t say you have God. Because “this is love for God: to obey his commands.”

Sounds hard, doesn’t it? We’d much rather obey our commands and our wants and our desires. So how could John say God’s commands are not burdensome? Only through Jesus. Because of Jesus, you don’t have the burden of obeying God’s commands to earn heaven. You’re already saved by faith. Because of Jesus, you don’t have the burden of obeying God’s commands to make up for your sins. You’re already forgiven. Because of Jesus, you don’t have the burden of obeying God’s commands to get God to love you. You’re loved by God’s grace. So why keep God’s commands? Because we love God! When we see that salvation and forgiveness and grace, what will we want to do? Obey God’s commands. Let the world keep it’s self-serving “love”. You have Jesus! How can we say thank you? Keep God’s commands.

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