Does the darkness of our world seem to be growing? To be spreading? Even worse, does the darkness seem to be winning? That’s scary, isn’t it? Does it look like sin and the devil will come out on top?
That’s impossible. No matter how dark it looks, the Bible promises: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). Who’s the light shining in the darkness? It’s Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh like us, who brought life and light to the world. In fact, the light of Jesus is so bright that “the darkness has not overcome it.” Isn’t that powerful? Isn’t that encouraging? No darkness can overcome the light of Jesus. Not sin. He died to forgive us! Not death. He rose to give us eternal life. Not loneliness. Jesus is God with us. Not depression. Jesus is our hope. When the darkness seems to grow, remember, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it!”
