I recently read a children’s book to my kids about a bear who wanted to get rid of his shadow. He didn’t like having this dark, shady thing following him around everywhere. So he tried chasing his shadow away. It didn’t work. He tried digging a hole and burying it. Somehow, the shadow slipped out. He tried nailing it to the ground and drowning it in a pool. But there was no way to get rid of his shadow.
That reminds me of something: Our sin. Each one of us has shadows we carry around. Darkness. Sin. We try to hide it. We try to ignore it. We try to chase it away. But it clings to us. The guilt. The shame.
Bear finally found one thing that made his shadow go away. Know what it was? If he stood outside at noon on a sunny day, the powerful light of the sun finally drove his shadow away.
Just like there’s one thing that can drive your sins away. Like bear found, it’s light. The Light. Jesus promised: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jesus’ forgiveness wipes away every sin. Jesus’ promises give hope and peace. Like the noonday sun, Jesus’ presence drives away our fears.
Do you want to get rid of your shadows? Then come to Jesus. His light drives away the shadows.
