Lawlessness is sin. Out of control riots and looting prove that. More importantly, God’s Word says that. “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). At times, it seems like lawlessness is praised in our society. Like anarchy is the goal. Like everyone would be better off if we just ignored laws and lived however we want. It won’t work. We’re sinful! There is a rebel in my heart who wants to live my way without regard for anyone or anybody else. Giving free reign to my sinful nature isn’t a good idea. Laws are good and needed. That’s why God commands Christians to obey laws and respect government. When we don’t, it’s sin. “Sin is lawlessness!”
Thankfully, God’s Word doesn’t just point out our sin. It points out the solution. Here’s the very next verse: “But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin” (1 John 3:5). God’s answer to our lawlessness wasn’t to destroy us. It was to come to us. To live perfectly for us. To keep every law in our place. To die on the cross for our sins. To rise from the dead to complete our salvation. When you see your lawless sinful nature, trust that Jesus kept every law in your place and forgave every sin you’ve committed. The answer for sin isn’t more laws. The answer for sin isn’t less laws. The answer for sin is Jesus! May Jesus’ forgiveness flood our—and our country’s—lawless hearts.
