How do you usually end your emails? “Have a nice day!” “Love you!” “God bless you!” The apostle John wrote three short letters in the Bible—1 John, 2 John, and 3 John. Do you know how he ends 1 John? “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21). That’s how the letter ends! No “sincerely.” No “talk to you later.” Just, “Keep yourselves from idols.” Wise old apostle John understood our human hearts. He knew how tempting it is for us to fall in love with just about anything. He knew how dangerously easy it is to fall away from Jesus. Be careful. Watch out! “Keep yourselves from idols.”
You have Someone so much better than anything else. John walked with Jesus. John talked with Jesus. John watched Jesus die on the cross. John saw the empty tomb. John touched the risen Jesus’ hands and side. John watched Jesus ascend into heaven. John knew that those who believe in Jesus have eternal life. There is no one like Jesus! Not even close. When you see how great Jesus and his salvation are, what more is needed? “Keep yourselves from idols.” Don’t let you heart love anyone more than Jesus!
