How deep is the ocean? Pretty deep! The deepest trench goes down almost seven miles underwater. It’s hard to swim to the bottom of a 10-ft swimming pool. I don’t want to imagine the dark depths miles down in the ocean. So why think about it? Because that’s how far away your sins are! Listen: “You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19). This is what God does for us: He hurls our sins into the depths of the sea.
Isn’t that amazing to think about? The devil constantly torments us. He wants to make us feel guilty over and over again for the sins we have committed. His goal is to lead us into despair and shame and unbelief. But the devil has no power over you. When Jesus died on the cross, he died for the sins of the whole world, including your sins and my sins. They are paid for. Taken away. You are forgiven by Jesus!
Those nasty words you said in anger? Jesus’ blood washed them into the sea. Those embarrassing sins you committed when you were younger? Into the sea! Those acts of adultery you wish you could take back? Jesus trampled them and forgave them on the cross. Those sinful desires you still struggle with today? Each day, Jesus washes them away with his forgiveness. So when the devil comes to torment you, you can tell the devil: “If you want to talk about my sins, you’ll have to go way down to the bottom of the ocean. I don’t have those sins anymore. Jesus took them away. He hurled them into the sea!”
