Fear. It seems to be spreading! Danger. It seems to be growing! Panic. It’s what a lot of people are feeling. You too? What can we do? King David knew. For him, the danger wasn’t a spreading virus. Instead, conspiracies threatened his life. So David wrote this prayer, “Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth” (Psalm 31:5). David knew there was a power and a love so much greater than himself—our God of truth. He put his frail life into God’s powerful hands. “Into your hands I commit my spirit.”
Someone else said those words. Remember who? Jesus. As he finished giving his life on the cross, Jesus said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” The hands that hold you and your life have nail marks in them. They are the hands of Jesus who loves you so much that he gave up his life to save you and me. To forgive us. To redeem us. We have such a faithful God! When the fear spreads and the danger grows, there’s still no need to panic. You’re in good hands. Pray with David: “Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth.”