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Holy Saturday: Be Still

Writer's picture: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

Holy Saturday must have been an awful day. For us, the day between Good Friday and Easter is a relaxing day off for family or cooking or fun. Not for Jesus’ disciples. I wonder if Holy Saturday wasn’t the worst day of all. It was the day Jesus was dead. All day. The day all God’s promises seemed broken. The day all hope really seemed gone forever. That Saturday must have been the longest day of the disciples’ lives. On Good Friday, as sad as it was, all the action kept the day moving. On Saturday? Nothing. Nothing but death and hopelessness. Holy Saturday must have been an awful day. God was dead.

We can understand that. There are a lot of holy Saturdays in our lives. Days when it seems like Jesus is dead or gone. Days when it seems like we have no hope. Days when it seems like it was all for nothing. Like nothing matters. Days when it seems like it’s never, ever going to get better. There are lots of days like that! So how can you make it through the day Jesus was dead? How can you make it through the days Jesus seems to be completely gone for good?

With God’s promise: “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10). When it seems like all hope is gone, God says, “Be still.” Be still and know that God is not dead, that Jesus is not gone, and that God is actually about to do something that will bring him great glory. Just like on that first Holy Saturday. Jesus wasn’t gone for good. He was actually about to perform his greatest miracle yet. Their tears weren’t going to last forever. Jesus about to fill them with an unimaginable joy. They just needed to be still, to be patient, to trust…

On every Holy Saturday in your life, when the promises seem broken and the tears don’t stop, “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exacted in the earth.

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