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Guarded by Peace

Writer's picture: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

Do you remember where Paul was when he wrote this letter to the Philippians? He was in jail. Locked up. We think that Paul was probably chained night and day to a Roman soldier. He was guarded 24/7.

With that in mind, read our verse again: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Do you notice what word Paul carefully chose to talk about God’s peace? “Guard.” Paul knew exactly what it meant to be guarded. It meant he couldn’t go anywhere on his own. It meant that every minute of every day somebody else was always with him.

That’s what God’s peace does for you and me—in a good way! The peace of God guards our hearts and minds, like Roman soldiers guarded Paul in prison as he wrote Philippians. Think of what that means: God’s peace goes with you wherever you go. Every minute of every day, God’s peace surrounds you.

Isn’t that a beautiful picture? Lots of things can harm us. But when you know Jesus, when you trust in his forgiveness and salvation, when you see your sins forgiven in Jesus’ blood, God’s peace guards you.

Cancer might strike, but God’s peace guards your heart. That doesn’t mean you won’t get sick. It means no disease can rob you of eternal life. A thousand things could hurt your children today, but God’s peace guards your heart. That doesn’t mean they won’t get hurt. It means nothing will happen that is outside of God’s good plan for your family. Doubts about the future make you anxious, but God’s peace guards your heart. That doesn’t mean life is easy. It means you know how the future ends: In heaven with Jesus. The devil hurls guilt and regret at you, but God’s peace guards your heart. That doesn’t mean you haven’t sinned. It means Jesus has washed your sins away. God’s peace guards your heart.

Isn’t that beautiful? It transcends all understanding. No amount of learning or study or skill can give you the peace that Jesus gives. Even if you end up in jail, even when you face death, your heart is safe with Jesus. “The peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Dear Lord God, thank you for guarding my heart and mind with your peace. No matter what I face today, don’t let anything rob me of the comfort of knowing Jesus as my Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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