Are you missing your grandparents? Maybe your grandmas and grandpas aren’t around anymore. They passed away years ago. Or maybe they are still alive and well, but you haven’t been able to visit them because of coronavirus concerns. That’s so hard! When the apostle John wrote his books in the Bible (John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation), it seems like he was an old man—maybe even 85 or more years old. We don’t know if he had grandchildren of his own, but he writes like a caring grandfather.
If you’re missing your grandfather’s calm voice today, hear these words from Grandpa John in the Bible: “I write to you, dear children because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name” (1 John 2:12). Can you hear the tenderness? Can you hear the love? “Dear children, your sins are forgiven. All because of Jesus! He loves you. He died for you. He cares for you. He forgives you. There is salvation in his name!” Isn’t that the best thing any grandpa can do? Quietly and calmly and lovingly point his family to forgiveness in Jesus. Even though earthly relationships come and go. Even though so much is changing, this isn’t! Believe Grandpa John. Your sins are forgiven on account of Jesus’ name!
