Do you ever wonder if you pray too much? Do you doubt whether God wants to hear your voice? Do you feel like you should just give up? The answer is, “No!” Here’s what the Bible says, “You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7). Pray too much? Impossible! God’s people were encouraged not to rest or to give God any rest as they prayed again and again for their capital city of Jerusalem. Give God no rest!
God gives you the same invitation to pray always. To not give him any rest. To be persistent. To trust. To keep going back to God again and again with your wearies and burdens. To find in God your rest. The God who created you, who saved you through Jesus, who’s prepared a home in heaven for you—that God loves to hear your voice. Whatever is on your heart and mind today, don’t let God rest. Because do you know what’s on God’s mind? You!