I heard it again this past week. A parent proudly explained why she didn’t have her kids baptized or even bring them to church. Actually, she didn’t teach them much about God at all. She wanted them to decide when they grew up. To make the choice for themselves one day. Children can’t believe, right? It’s wrong to “force” your beliefs on your kids, right? Sadly, her adult children aren’t interested in God.
The Bible says something totally different. Here’s how King David put it: “You brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother’s breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God” (Psalm 22:9-10). When did David start trusting in God? At his mother’s breast! When did David need to know about his God and Savior? From birth. From the womb!
Don’t let a day go by without telling your children Jesus loves them. Don’t let a day go by without sharing God’s Word with them. Don’t let a day—let alone years!—go by in which they have to wonder what their purpose is. From birth every one of us needs a Savior, and from birth we have a Savior who loves it when little children come to him. Even the smallest baby can trust in Jesus by God’s grace.
