What’s on your mind as you start a new week? I bet there are a lot of worries. You’re already behind at work, and the week hasn’t even started! That unresolved conversation replays itself over and over in your mind. That big decision still needs to be made, and you don’t know how to make it. One child is struggling with this and another is struggling with that… Worry after worry after worry.
Before you start another week of worries, Jesus has a question for you: “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27). What do you think? Have your worries added any time to your life? No way! Instead, worry robs us of moments right now. Worry blinds us to God’s blessings in the present. Worry eats away at our minds and bodies and souls. So Jesus says, “Don’t worry!”
When Jesus says, “Don’t worry!”, he means it. He has the power and love to take care of everything on your mind today. In fact, Jesus is the one person who can add an hour to your life. Actually, Jesus has already added an infinite number of hours to your life. He’s given you eternal life in heaven through faith in him! If Jesus has planned out your eternal future, you can be confident that he can take care of the hours in your day today. As you enter a new week, take Jesus up on his invitation: “Don’t worry!”
