Dear Moms: Happy Mother’s Day! It’s good for the rest of us to have a day to try—some better than others—to appreciate the blessings that you are in our lives. Moms, we really do appreciate you. We often don’t know how to say it. We don’t know what to give. We know that nothing really measures up. We’re sorry for our thoughtlessness and our selfishness and our inability to express what’s in our hearts. So Happy Mother’s Day! We love and appreciate you.
But we also know that whatever we do for you on Mother’s Day is nothing compared with what you do for us. For many moms, Mother’s Day will come and go, and life will go on as it was before, with husbands and daughters and sons scurrying about without seeing all that mom does. One special day for moms out of 365 sure isn’t very much. I bet it’s easy to feel unappreciated. Unloved.
So, moms, I want you to know something: Jesus knows. When Jesus talked about coming back again at the end of the world, he described what he would praise believers for: “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me’” (Matthew 25:34-36). You know what that sounds like? A description of a mom!
When the believers ask for an explanation of how they could have possibly done all those things for Jesus, he adds, “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40).
While Jesus’ words are meant for all Christians, I hope that moms take them to heart. What’s Jesus saying? “I see you. I know!” The love and time poured into cooking meals that your kids often reject? Jesus knows. The busy, tiring days spent working and then coming home to an endless list of tasks that no one else seems to want to do? Jesus knows. The non-stop picking out, sorting, and washing clothes. The taking temperatures. The cleaning vomit. The going to every event and game and play. Dear Moms: Even if no one else seems to notice, Jesus knows. Jesus sees. And he says that every little thing you do for the smallest person in your family is done for him. Thank you!
But I hope you remember that Jesus doesn’t just know. He isn’t keeping a tally of how much good you do to see if you’re good enough. Jesus is your Savior who has forgiven every one of your sins and loves you even more than you love your children. Jesus knows the guilt that mothers can carry, and he came to take that guilt away. For every time you haven’t been there for your kids, Jesus has. For every time you’ve complained or grumbled, Jesus died on the cross to forgive you. Remember those times you yelled and shouted and lost your patience? Jesus doesn’t. He’s completely forgotten them. Every struggle, every frustration, every temptation, every sin… Jesus knows, and he still loves you. For every item that sits undone on your to-do list, Jesus reminds you that his to-do list is already done for you. You’re forgiven. Saved. Loved.
In fact, even as Jesus hung on the cross, he made sure his mom was cared for. As much as Mary thought she was caring for Jesus throughout his life, Jesus was really caring for her.
So, Dear Moms: Please know that who you are doesn’t depend on how well your kids turn out. Or how well your marriage is. Or how much money you make. Or how much you’ve gotten done. Who you are depends on Jesus Christ your Savior, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are God’s daughter, and as much as you love us, your heavenly Father loves you even more. Not just on Mother’s Day. Every day! Never forget that Jesus your Savior knows and loves and strengthens and forgives. You!