Christmas programs and events are in full swing – at least at our church and school! Children are earnestly learning their Christmas services. Our choirs and musicians have been practicing for weeks for all our special Advent and Christmas services. Why?… Why take time out of school – or work or relaxation – to memorize Bible verses and practice songs for Christmas? Is it really worth it? What’s the purpose? The Bible tells us why: “These words are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). Our children and choirs and musicians are not just carrying on nice traditions. They are preparing to share with us the message of Jesus. And every time the message of Jesus is shared, it has one specific purpose: That we believe in Jesus and have eternal life through him. Don’t let your familiarity with the story – or the cuteness of the kids presenting it – make you miss the reason God’s sharing it with you. Jesus is your Savior, and God wants you to be in heaven by faith in him. Come, hear, and believe that Jesus your Savior was born!
