We love new things. We love new ideas. A car from the 1990s that once seemed so innovative now looks old and outdated. A computer from the 2000s that was once the top of the line is worthless today. A cell phone from just a year or two ago doesn’t seem good enough compared to the latest models out this fall. We love new things and new ideas, and God in his grace has blessed our world with new advancements and technologies that previous generations never dreamed of having. So here’s a problem: God is not new. He’s been around since…forever! God’s Word is not new. The first books of the Bible were written 3500 years ago. The “newest” books of the Bible are still 1900 years old! How does that sound in our society today? Old. Outdated. Irrelevant. Don’t we need something new? Aren’t our ideas today so much better than those from so long ago? It should be no surprise that our world which so loves “new” things is ready to leave God and his Word in the dust. God knew this would happen. God knew that as time went on, arrogant human beings would begin to think that we know better than God. So God had this written down in his Word: “Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son” (2 John 9). Here’s God’s warning: “Running ahead” actually means you’ll miss out on God’s salvation found in Jesus. Here’s God’s promise: When it comes to your faith in Jesus, there’s no need to be cutting-edge. Trust in God’s Word and its message about God our loving Father and Jesus our perfect Savior. When it comes to our faith, Christians don’t have to be innovative. We are asked to trust that God’s way – God’s Word – is the best there is. Because it is! God’s Gospel message about Jesus is still the best message there is! Over the past 2000 years, has anyone come up with a better way to heaven than faith in Jesus? Has anyone come up with a more beautiful love story than God’s love for us in Jesus? Has anyone come up with a greater purpose for our lives than to trust in our Savior and serve him with our lives? In our constantly changing world, may Jesus convince you to live your life by Scripture alone.
