Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh. (Philippians 3:2-3)
“Beware of dogs.” Did you know that the Bible says that? In Bible times, dogs were bad. That’s hard for us dog-lovers today to hear. But in those days, dogs weren’t cute and cuddly companions. Dogs were dirty, dangerous strays who were a constant nuisance and threat. Everyone knew to beware of dogs.
So the apostle Paul used that bad word—“dogs”—to describe a grave dangers for Christians: False teachers. “Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh.” There were false teachers in Philippi who insisted that faith in Jesus wasn’t enough to be saved. Instead, they demanded that new Christians needed to be circumcised. If that sounds like a small thing, it wasn’t! They were teaching people to rely on themselves instead of on Jesus. That’s bad! “Watch out for those dogs!”
They are still around today. There are still plenty of false teachers who turn our hearts away from Jesus. Maybe they don’t insist on circumcision, but they try to convince us that the clothes you wear or the food you eat or the style of your worship services is what brings you close to God. Beware of dogs! Don’t let anyone lead you to put your confidence in something you do instead of in what Jesus has done.
We serve God not by cutting off a part of our physical body, but by having our hearts circumcised by the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit works forgiveness and faith in our hearts through Baptism and God’s Word. We boast not about all the great things we’ve done with our bodies, but about how Jesus Christ gave his body on the cross for our salvation. Our confidence isn’t in our flesh. Our confidence is in Jesus Christ.
So beware of dogs. Beware of any person who takes your focus off of Jesus. Beware of any philosophy or idea that points you to yourself instead of to Jesus. Just like you wouldn’t play around with a stray pit bull roaming through your neighborhood, don’t go near them. Instead, run away! With your Savior Jesus, you have all the truth and life and peace you’ll ever need. So beware of dogs!
Dear Jesus, false teachers present a constant danger to my soul. Please prevent me from ever putting my confidence in myself and in my flesh. Instead, lead me to treasure your grace and salvation. Amen.
