Avocados aren’t the answer to sin. I never thought I’d have to say that. One of the “hit” commercials from the Super Bowl showed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, right after Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit. The sky was dark. Adam realized he was naked. The world was falling apart. Until, thankfully, a squirrel showed up with an avocado. “Try this,” he said, “They make everything better!” Thanks to avocados, the world became perfect again, and everyone could enjoy walking around naked.
So, I’m going to say it again: Avocados aren’t actually the answer to sin. Making jokes about sin isn’t the answer to sin either. Nor is mocking the Bible. What a society we live in! We care more about creating funny commercials than about the wrath of God. If we think avocados can save the world, if we think the Bible’s story of Adam and Eve is a stupid myth to laugh at, we’ll be surprised one day when we face God. Sin is serious, very serious. And avocados aren’t the answer to sin.
But God has provided an answer to sin: “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Avocados don’t make everything better. It took the life and death—the blood—of Jesus to pay for Adam’s sin and Eve’s sin and your sin and my sin. Through the cross of Jesus, you are forgiven. Jesus is the answer to sin! As our society jokes about sin, take your sin seriously, as God does. Repent of your sin each day. And remember this beautiful truth: “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”
