Today is a major Christian holiday. Do you know what it is? If you can’t think of it off the top of your head, you’re not alone. It’s Ascension Day! Ascension Day is the day we celebrate how Jesus ascended into heaven and now reigns as King over our world. Ascension Day is also the forgotten Christian holiday. It’s not on most calendars. It’s not on people’s minds. That’s too bad, because when we forget about Ascension Day, we lose an important truth: Jesus Christ is King. The same Savior who dead for us and rose for us – he’s the One ruling the world at God’s right hand! When we forget that, when we forget that Jesus is King, we end up in one of two bad places. Either we think, “I am king,” and we selfishly and proudly focus our lives on getting our way. Or we think, “No one’s king,” and the chaos and sin of our world fills us with despair and hopelessness. If Jesus isn’t King, the alternatives aren’t very good! But Jesus is King. He is King of our lives. He is King of our world. Listen to how Psalm 47 describes our God: 5 God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the LORD amid the sounding of trumpets. 6 Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. 7 For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. 8 God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. (Psalm 47:5-8 NIV) Don’t forget Ascension Day. Jesus is King! Do you hear of wars and rumors of wars? Jesus is King! Is your heart filled with frustrations and fears? Jesus is King! Are you plagued by sin and guilt? Jesus – our Savior – is King! I know that life on earth often doesn’t make sense. I know that the bad guys often seem to win. But you know the full story. Jesus won. Jesus finished his work of saving us, and he’s going to come back to take us with him to heaven. As we wait for him to come back, never forget that Jesus is King! God bless your Ascension Day!
