It doesn’t feel the same, does it? This Christmas season feels different. Like so much is missing. We’re advised to be cautious about going out. To avoid gathering with family and friends. So many of our plans and traditions might not happen at all this year. It looks like it’s going to be a simple Christmas.
Know what? That means it actually might be more like the first Christmas. If you want to talk about a simple Christmas, re-read the Christmas story in Luke 2:1-20. Here’s what you’ll notice: No lights or trees. No holiday parties. No packed church services. Just Mary and Joseph and a Baby—Jesus.
They didn’t even decorate their house! Actually, they were in a stable with animals. Sure, some shepherds stopped by for a visit, but there were no grandmas or grandpas or cousins. Sound familiar? If this year sounds like it will be a simple Christmas, it still won’t be as simple as the original Christmas.
And yet, the angels sang with joy. In fact, they couldn’t contain their excitement. They left heaven and came down to earth to shout about how great that night was. Why? There weren’t even any presents! But there was Jesus. There was Jesus, and Jesus is better than all our Christmas traditions combined. “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11). There was peace and joy and hope and rejoicing because there was Jesus.
We often talk about remembering the real reason for the season. Maybe that’s what God’s teaching us this year. Christmas is meant to be simple. It’s meant to be all about Jesus. Because that little Baby is your Savior and my Savior. That little Baby came to die for our forgiveness. To rise for our salvation. So that one day we’ll get to be with the angels and sing their songs of praise in heaven.
Want peace and joy this Christmas? Make your Christmas all about this: “A Savior has been born to you!” No pandemic, no uncertainty, no restrictions or sickness or worry can change what Jesus Christ has done for you and me. Thank God for a simple Christmas. Just Mary, Joseph, and a Baby in a manger. There is nothing more in heaven or on earth that we need: “A Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord!” God’s blessings on your simple Christmas.
