We wouldn’t have been able to handle him. Do you realize that? People ask why God came into this world as a baby. That’s a pretty silly question. Why didn’t God come with all his power and glory as God? We wouldn’t have been able to handle him. God’s power and glory would have destroyed us immediately. If you don’t realize that, you might have too high an opinion of yourself. Can you compare with God? I can’t. There’s no way. Sinners in the presence of our perfect God? We would all be toast. So Jesus came as a baby. His birth was an invitation to the whole human race. “Come to me!” Who doesn’t love a baby? God came, but not to destroy us. To save us. Not to judge us. To die in our place for our sins. Jesus came as a baby so that he would not terrify us, but love and comfort and console us. So that we’re ready for when he comes again. You know Jesus is coming again, right? But that next time, on Judgment Day, he isn’t going to come as a baby again. He’s going to come with all his power and glory to judge the living and the dead. How can we possibly stand in that day? How will we be able to handle that day? Only through faith in the Baby. Come to him. Trust in him. The Word became flesh.
