“What’s your name, God?” Moses asked. What would God say? There are so many options, right? God. Lord. The Almighty. Savior… But here’s what God said, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you’ ” (Exodus 3:14). What did God want to be known as? “I AM.” So do you know what the Israelites called God? “HE IS.” We don’t know exactly how to pronounce that special name in Hebrew. Some say “Jehovah.” Others suggest “Yahweh.” Many English Bibles translate it as “LORD” with capital letters. What a special name! God is “I AM.” From our perspective, God is “HE IS.”
In the middle of our constantly-changing world, God IS. Always. Relationships with people come and go, but God IS. Always. Some days we feel good, some days we feel bad. Some days we do good, some days we do bad. God IS. Always. We have a set beginning. We have a set ending—death! God IS. Always. Do you need someone true and constant and unchanging? I do! Do you need love and forgiveness and grace that are the same every day? I do! There is no one like our God. He is the great “I AM”!
